
Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club is a registered non-profit, that has been maintaining & sharing Chinese culture with the community of the Greater Victoria area & beyond since 1974. Donations play a crucial role in funding that allows us to continue our goal to promote and ensure the continuity of this style of martial art & Lion dance in Victoria BC.

how to make a donation

Through our partnership with the Saanich Legacy Foundation (SLF), we are now able to issue you a tax receipt, for your donations.
Donations for Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club can be submitted to the SLF website.

Please see the drop-down menu and select "Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club" to support.  

Alternatively, a cheque could be, hand-delivered or mailed (SLF, PO Box 48204, Victoria, BC  V8Z 7H6)

more questions about class?

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