lion & dragon dancing

Chinese Lion Dancing has been a traditional way to bring prosperity and blessings to important events for centuries. This  colourful display of Chinese culture and Kung Fu will bring positive energy to weddings, business functions or to your special event. Hung Fut has recently added the offering of highly demanded Chinese Dragon Dancing .
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Notable past performances

Awakening Chinatown
BC Cancer Society - Relay for Life
Canada 150 Celebration at BC legislature
Canada Day Drumming Celebration
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
CFB Esquimalt
Chinese Community Service Center
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
Chinese Freemasons
Chinese Young Entrepreneur Association
City of Victoria
Consulate General Of China
Crystal Jade Restaurant
Elements Casino Victoria
Fairway Markets
Golden City Restaurant
Governor General of Canada Michaelle Jean
Ho Tong Restaurant
Hook Sin Tong Charity Association
Hoy Sun Ning Yung Benevolent Association
Hudson's Bay
Jade Fountain Restaurant
Lantern Festival
Lieutenant Governor David Lam
Lieutenant Governor Garde Gardom
Lieutenant Governor Iona Campagnolo
Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin
Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon
Lieutenant Governor Steven Point
Lights of Wonder
Lin Heung Restaurant
Mayfair Shopping Centre
Moon Festival
Municipality of Saanich
North American Indigenous Games
Puppets for Peace
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal BC Museum
Sampan Restaurant
School District 61
School District 63
Shon Yee Benevolent Association Vancouver
Shon Yee Benevolent Association Victoria
Township of Esquimalt
Vancouver Island Dragon Boat Festival
Victoria Canada Day Celebration
Victoria Chinatown Lioness Lions Club
Victoria Cup Karate Tournament
Victoria Day Parade
Victoria Dragon Boat Festival
Victoria Royals Hockey
Wong’s Benevolent Association Vancouver
Wong’s Benevolent Association Victoria
Yue Shan Society

performance information

Lion Dance

  • A basic Lion dance performance time is 7-12 minutes + (max of 15 minutes)
  • The lion(s) will perform a set routine on the ground, which includes the lion(s) going around visiting the crowds to interact with them.
  • At the request of the client, more advanced lion dance routines with props (e.g. lion climbing benches) can be requested for an additional charge.
  • A 1 lion team consists of 6-7 people.
  • A 2 lion team consists of 8-9 people.
  • The ideal space required:
    • 1 lion - 15' W x 15' L x 15' H (can work in some smaller areas)
    • 2 lions -  20' W x 20' L x 15' H (can work in some smaller areas)
  • Minimum of 3 weeks’ notice for booking Lion Dance performances.

Dragon Dance

As of 2023, we now also offer a Dragon dance:
  • A  Dragon dance performance time is 7-12 minutes (max of 15 minutes)
  • The Dragon will perform a set routine on the ground, chasing the loong zhi (dragon pearl) displaying powerful, yet flowing movements simulating a dragon flying up in the sky.
  • A Dragon dance team consists of 11 players.
  • The Dragon dance requires a minimum space of 40’ W x 80’L x 15’
  • Minimum of 6 weeks’ notice for booking Dragon dance performances.
Please contact us for our current performance rate for the Greater Victoria area, which includes Victoria, Esquimalt, Saanich, Oak Bay, & View Royal.

Additional charges apply for travel to Central Saanich, North Saanich, Sidney, Colwood, Langford, Highlands, Metchosin, Sooke & further.  
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a brief history of lion dancing

In traditional Chinese culture lions are seen as peaceful creatures and widely considered as divine animals of nobility and dignity. Throughout Chinese history the lion has been used to symbolize strength, courage and wisdom. Although no real lions have ever existed in china, the lion and the tradition of lion dancing have existed in Chinese culture and history for thousands of years. The Chinese lion bears very little resemblance to the real lion but plays a important role in Chinese folklore.

Lion Dance Origins

The first record of a performance of an early form of
the Lion Dance dates back to the 3rd Century BC. There are many different stories and myths about how and when the Lion Dance originated, but there are no exact historical records about its origin.

The Lion Dance is a Chinese folk tradition and an important part of traditional Kung Fu schools. It is an essential part of Chinese holidays as well as important functions such as weddings and business openings. Lion dancing is performed at such events to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune, happiness, and prosperity.

Lion Dance & Kung Fu

Lion dancing displays the spirit of the Kung Fu school and is performed by Kung Fu practitioners. The skills needed for Lion dancing include strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, and the ability to visualize and improvise dramatic movements. The heavy lion head requires a dancer with strong shoulders and arms, and the performers footwork incorporates various Kung Fu stances. A Lion Dance team consist of a drummer, instrument players (cymbal + gong), a Buddha (optional) and the lion dancers. This means a team of 5-10 people depending on the number of lions requested. Add 2 people for every additional lion.
Kung Fu Club Dragon Dancing

Dragon Dancing

Dragon dancing is a vibrant and symbolic Chinese performance featuring a long, colorful dragon manipulated by a team of performers. Unlike the playful and lifelike movements of lion dancing, the dragon's sinuous body moves in a more graceful and rhythmic manner, symbolizing power, strength, and good luck. Accompanied by the energetic beat of drums, cymbals, and gongs, the dragon dance is a mesmerizing spectacle that embodies the spirit of celebration and the quest for wisdom and enlightenment.

more questions about lion dancing?

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